Payroll team doubles to meet demand

You would be forgiven for thinking that of all the accountancy disciplines, Payroll would be the least likely to see major changes or be subjected to industry trends.

Payroll team doubles to meet demand

However, at Kilsby Williams, the last few years have been an especially busy time for their payroll team with legislative changes, the pandemic and adjustments in contracts post-Covid all having a big impact on the team.

With the introduction of Real Time Information and Automatic Enrolment making legislation more complex, Kilsby Williams has had to double the size of its payroll team to deal with the increasing number of clients choosing to outsource their payrolls.

Clients also found that the legislative changes meant that the payroll process took longer to complete, making outsourcing the work a much more financially appealing option.

Covid has had an effect too. Many clients needed assistance to complete furlough work during 2020-21 so chose to outsource their payroll as they found it to be a more accurate and reliable option.

Since the pandemic, some of our core sectors have had additional work on the back of industry changes. For example, care homes have had several additional grants, such as enhanced sick pay and carer bonuses that could be claimed from the government and existing inhouse teams have often felt ill-equipped to deal with these changes.

Many clients have had more queries whilst there were changes to legislation such as about furlough or changes to Statutory Sick Pay for those with Covid. The team has also helped some non-payroll clients with their furlough work, redundancy calculations and HMRC investigations.

Sadie Leadbetter, payroll senior manager at Kilsby Williams said, “For all industries and sectors the last few years have been an unprecedented time of change and upheaval, that has been no different for the payroll team.

“Because we’re immersed in working on payrolls for our clients’ day in, day out, we’re often better placed than in house teams to spot issues or respond to changes.

“We’ve certainly faced our challenges, but we’ve all enjoyed working together to finding ways to overcome them on behalf of our clients, and look forward to seeing what issues arise next.”

Established in 1991, Kilsby Williams works with clients from across South Wales, the Midlands and London, ranging from sole traders to companies in international quoted groups.